Wednesday, July 8, 2009

"College Food" & "Finger-Lick'n" in the Same Sentence? Something's Wrong Here | Purchase College SUNY

Who would of known that one of the best BBQ ribs one could eat would be cooked-up on a 'loaner' grill (courtesy Chartwells) at Purchase College. This 'finger-lick'n food I'm referring to wasn't prepared by the college's food service staff (no-brainer), but I give due recognition to the vegetarian cafe 'Terra Ve' which has been more than friendly to my stomach and flirty with my tastebuds.

Jarret Foster, Financial Aid Staff and undercover chef prepared the ribs pictured above, he certainly 'put his foot in it' as we 'Bronx, NY folk' with southern roots would say. The chicken, burgers, peach pie and cupcakes were tasty too.

Though it wasn't my department's BBQ, the staff of Enrollment Services were very generous in allowing me to fill my belly and walk away with a make shift doggie bag for my co-workers. With a Pinapple-Mango Smoothie in one hand (yes they even had a blender) and my camera in the other hand, I couldn't resist capturing the moment.



Rosemildo Sales Furtado July 8, 2009 at 2:00 PM  

Olá amiga! Tens um lindo espaço, porém acho que ficaria melhor se colocasses um tradutor, pois seria mais fácil para entender e comentar.



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